Mobile duress at your fingertips.
ePanic mobile duress leverages existing public address infrastructure and meets Alyssa’s Law Compliance. When initiated, ePanic pinpoints the location of the alert and opens critical two-way communication. The command center will see and manage the emergency through our Visual Console interface, with immediate point-and-click ability to invoke on and off-site notification including lockdown.
- Integrates with existing eSeries public address and intercom PoE networks
- Eliminates the need for third party infrastructure
- Provides accurate alert location mapped on Visual Console graphical user interface
- Integrates with existing IP cameras
- Allows use in multiple networked buildings
- Alyssa’s Law compliant
- No recurring licensing fees
Integrated Mobile Duress & Public Address
With the push of a button, ePanic initiates a call for support anywhere on the premises and ensures your facility meets Alyssa’s Law Compliance. The attractive light-weight design can be worn around the neck for easy and instant access in an emergency. Built-in battery monitoring notifies the user of low battery status and there is a test mode for checking operational status. Audible feedback is generated when the button is pressed.
The ePanic Pendant sends wireless signals to Receivers located within the facility. Receivers are paired with eSeries public address endpoint devices which provide precise alert location information. When a button is pressed, the alert location is displayed on the Visual Console and two-way voice communication is established with the alert location. All receivers are supervised on the eSeries network for connectivity.

Dynamic User Interface
Visual Console provides a precise floor and room location in real time quickly identifying the location of the alarm. Clicking on the alarm touch point instantly establishes voice communications with the alarm location through the eSeries endpoint device. This dynamic and interactive user interface provides incident management including lockdown and the broadcast of emergency announcements both on and off-site. In the event of a fault, the location of the device is displayed on the GUI. Additionally, an automated email will be sent to designated staff.

Video Integration
ePanic integrates with the facility’s existing IP camera system to provide a live stream from the alarm location. Responding to the alarm will initiate a pop-up of the live stream on the graphical user interface.

Multi-Building Coverage
In Campus settings with multiple buildings, our mesh network provides coverage for your staff automatically once they enter any building on campus.

Recurring Fees
Telecor does not charge licensing fees for ePanic.